when he started out as a director he mainly covered horror, but this was during the 80's where everyone was making horror, now he has matured he is now mainly covering, Crime, Thriller and Drama. A main aspect he covers in his films is body Horror this is the metal/physical transformation from human in to creature.
"An auteurs director is one who brings to a film sings of there own individuality - perhaps in the way the narrative is constructed, the way certain themes are explored or in the visual style." " early hollywood auter theory was based on the idea that some directors, those whose work constantly demonstrated a set of identifiable characteristics, had been able to rise above the 'restraints' of formulaic genre film making. page 195: An Introduction to film studies second edition: edited by Jill Nelmes (senior lecturer in film studies at the university east london ) the man who came up with this is called Andre Bazin